Failure Doesn’t Have to be Terminal…

I wanted to share a story that helped me in the days when I was seriously ready to quit the online world.

It was a time when I was putting in the effort, but just not getting the rewards and so was on the verge of throwing in the towel.

Fate however stepped in and I read the following. It literally helped save my online ‘life’…

…and I hope it can help some of you in a similar position.

The story was a potted history of a SERIOUS ‘failure’, his list of misfortunes included:

– His family were forced out of their home and he had to work to support them.
– 2 years later his mother died.
– 13 years later he failed in business
– The year after that he ran for public office…and lost
– The same year he also lost his job
– He wanted to go to law school but couldn’t get in.
– A year later he borrowed some money from a friend to begin a business…by the end of the year he was bankrupt!
perseverance– He spent the next 17 years of his life paying off this debt.
– Two years after going bankrupt he was engaged to be married…but his sweetheart died and his heart was broken.
– The following year he had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months.
– Two years later he sought another public office, and this time…he was defeated
– A further two years later saw him go for another public office and was defeated
– Three years on he ran for congress…(you guessed it) He lost
– Three years later he ran for congress again…and this time he WON!
– Two years later he went for re-election and he lost.
– A year later he sought public office in his home state and lost.
– Five years on he ran for Senate of the United States…and of course, lost.
– Two year further on he sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party’s national convention – and not only lost but was humiliated by getting less than 100 votes.
– Another two years passed and he ran for U.S. Senate again…only to lose again.

A true story of a gallant loser I’m sure you would agree…

however the story doesn’t end there.

Fast forward just another two years and our ‘Gallant plucky loser’ who just kept going was elected president of the United States

…and Abraham Lincoln arguably became one of the most important and influential presidents of the US.

Success for some comes very quickly, however for many it is a matter of sticking around long enough and doing the right things.

After all, as someone once said, the difference between a big shot and a little shot, is that a big shot is a little shot who just kept shooting! 🙂

So make sure you keep shooting.

All the best