Judge a book by its eCover

Are you someone who struggles when it comes to creativity?

Do you find yourself forking out more than you would like to when creating your eCovers (even if it is only at a fiverr at a time)?

I think we all know that despite the old saying about not judging a book by a cover, when it comes to buying information products online, the graphics make a HUGE difference.

Get it wrong and you scupper all the good work that went into creating the product in the first place.

Get it right and it can turn the most ordinary offering into something that is perceived to be special.

This, of course, has a direct correlation to the amount that you can charge for the product AND the number of sales you make.

So with all this in mind I found the following tutorial video very interesting.  It shows how you can use MYECOVERMAKER to quickly and easily create very professional looking FREE covers in a matter of minutes.

Click HERE to sign up and create your first free ebook cover.