Mystic Mailer Pro Review + Special Bonus

Mystic Mailer Pro

Creator: Kam Fatz (Jennings)

Cost: $12.80

My Rating

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Product Description

Kam is providing you with a comprehensive ‘tool box’ of resources that will ensure your online efforts are taken to the next level.Training

Done For You Emails

Free Software

It is all contained in this value-packed offer.


Target Audience

The material is comprehensive enough to cater for both the freshest of newbies through to the most experienced of marketers.As much as I have a lot of experience (and success) in the realms of list building and email marketing, there were still methods and resources I had not come across or used, which I will definitely be incorporating into my own online efforts.

At the same time, my experience also tells me that elsewhere the training is solid and most definitely would allow someone to build something that would last from scratch.

[CTA href=”” text=”Click HERE to grab your copy now and get my bonuses” color=”#ffffff” bg=”#ffa000″]
Goes Live 09:00EST (15:00 UK Time) Friday 4th Oct – Please don’t try to access the offer before then


Check Out My Review Video

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Goes Live 09:00EST (15:00 UK Time) Friday 4th Oct – Please don’t try to access the offer before then


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What is in the Product

  1. Seven video list building course focussing on using free traffic to build your list.  Covers the very basics up to some very advanced methods
  2. Email Fire I & II – done for you engagement series.  Products that were sold in their own right not that long ago.  Each contains a collection of emails that have been specifically used to build engagement with your list.
  3. Video training to show you how to use the engagement series
  4. Affiliate Fire multiple video training course designed to show how to make affiliate cash from the engagement emails provided in Email Fire I & II
  5. Seven complete done for you affiliate campaigns used by Kam to create multiple sales.  I addition training to go along with the videos to ensure you get the most out of them.
  6. Ten videos revealing and showing you how to use little known free cloud-based software resources that are available over the web.
  7. Multiple bonus training resources – the number of these bonuses will undoubtedly increase during the 4 day launch period as Kam is well known for adding extra bonuses resources!


What I like about the product

The value is enormous
Very real world training based on solid principles
Kam just knows how to shine on video 🙂
The combination of training, done for you emails and free software is going to be a bonus for anyone into (or getting into) email marketing

What I don’t like about the product

I can’t really find fault, other than there is a LOT being provided. I know that many people will only skim over the really valuable information and miss s much of what is contained.
[CTA href=”” text=”Click HERE to grab your copy now and get my bonuses while you still can” color=”#ffffff” bg=”#ffa000″]
Goes Live 09:00EST (15:00 UK Time) Friday 4th Oct – Please don’t try to access the offer before then


Upgrades Available

OTO 1 – PLR Done For You Emails

Cost: $27

OTO1 is PLR license on all of the written DFY emails inside the Mystic Mailer Toolbox, so that customers will not only be able to use the written content, but also package it up and sell it as an asset.

I think this is a great upgrade for anyone looking to increase their portfolio with quality products they can sell.

OTO 2 – PLR License to the two major training products

Cost: $27

OTO2 is PLR license to the 2 major training modules in the Mystic Mailer Pro toolbox, which are in fact legitimate courses in and of themselves. League of List Builders and Affiliate Fire.

Possibly my favourite upgrade. Decent PLR is like hen’s teeth. Decent PLR that has been proven to sell is even rarer. This is a VERY rare chance to get PLR to best selling quality resources from a quality marketer – Highly recommended!

OTO 3 – Max level 100% affiliate status

Cost: $197

OTO3 offers customers a Max Level Affiliate Status. It’s the chance to promote Mystic Mailer Pro as an affiliate at 100% commissions through the entire funnel. This will also include a live affiliate marketing workshop to teach best how to promote the funnel.

This one is for the serious marketer with a list already built. If you do have some sort of subscriber base, this is an excellent upgrade to make maximum benefit from Kam’s excellent product funnel.

[CTA href=”” text=”Click HERE to grab your copy now and get my bonuses while you still can” color=”#ffffff” bg=”#ffa000″]
Goes Live 09:00EST (15:00 UK Time) Friday 4th Oct – Please don’t try to access the offer before then


My Unique Bonus

Having already said that I think there is a lot of stuff for people to get their teeth into, I didn’t think more training would be right to offer as a bonus.

Therefore, after much thought, I wanted to offer something with far more value to those receiving it.

Therefore I am offering to provide a month’s worth of unlimited email support concerning your email marketing efforts.  This way you get the benefit of not one, but two successful marketers helping you with your online efforts.

Once you get your copy through my link, just send me an email to [email protected] with proof of purchase.
Once you have done that you can get in touch with any questions you have, ask for advice, seek feedback or anything else that will support your email marketing efforts.

[CTA href=”” text=”Click HERE to grab your copy now and get my bonuses while you still can” color=”#ffffff” bg=”#ffa000″]
Goes Live 09:00EST (15:00 UK Time) Friday 4th Oct – Please don’t try to access the offer before then


My Final Thoughts

I VERY rarely promote products as an affiliate anymore as my focus is on my own products.

However, occasionally I will come across a product (usually from a fellow marketer I like and trust) that I KNOW will benefit my followers.

This is one of those occasions.

When I made my way through the review copy I was sent, I was gobsmacked at just how much value was being provided.

Knowing Kam, this shouldn’t have come as a shock, but even by his standards, this is one resource that is a no brainer when it comes to what you get for your investment.

As I mention in the review video, I started watching the training just to be able to create a review, by the end I was watching it AND learning stuff!

This is one resource I can’t recommend highly enough (and the upgrades are not bad either 🙂 )

All the best, and please get in touch if you have any questions.



[CTA href=”” text=”Click HERE to grab your copy now and get my bonuses while you still can” color=”#ffffff” bg=”#ffa000″]
Goes Live 09:00EST (15:00 UK Time) Friday 4th Oct – Please don’t try to access the offer before then


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