2000 Years Old And Still Priceless Advice

When I was a small child…

….way back when the world was in black and white
…we would attend school assembly each morning (just before we got our bottle of milk to drink).

We would sing hymns (badly) and listen to one of the teachers ramble on about something or other.

My favourite was when they would read one of the stories from the bible.

Now I’m not a particularly religious person, but it is true to say that the stories told in all the holy books still have powerful messages for us.

One story that always stuck with me was the one about the two builders.

They both had a dream to build themselves houses to live in.

The first spent time to survey the land and found a rocky hill on which he could build.

The other builder couldn’t understand why the first one was ‘faffing’ about so much and making it so difficult for himself.
So he just found a sandy bit of land just outside the town.

As the site was so close and easy to get to, he was able to easily get the material to build it.

Meanwhile, our first builder who had set up further away and up a hill, had much more difficulty getting his material to the building site.

Not only this, but he wanted his house to serve him for many years to come and so was digging substantial foundations.
Again this took up lots of time and effort.


The second builder just wanted to get into his house as soon as possible.

He couldn’t see the point in spending too much time on the foundations that no one would ever see.

Consequently, his house went up really quickly.

Once the house was up, it looked very impressive.

All the townsfolk admired the look of it and the speed of its construction.

Up on the hill, the first builder was still toiling away with the house a long way from completion.

The other builder would often visit and laugh at the first builder for taking so long.

He would be full of advice on how to cut corners to speed up the process.

But the first builder just smiled and carried on doing what he was doing.



Eventually though, the house on the rocks was finally complete.

Now the two houses had been built in an area notorious for bad weather and floods, and one night a few weeks after both houses had been completed, the heavens opened.

It rained, and it rained… and it rained some more.

The water levels of the river rose and soon broke its banks.

The house with little foundation built on sand was easily swept away.

All the builder could do was stand by and watch.

On the hill, the house with significant foundations built on rock stood firm, its builder protected from everything nature could throw at them.

After this, the builder who had built his house with no foundations went back to live with his parents, claiming that his dream to have his own house was a silly one anyway.


Despite this story (or a version of it) being written thousands of years ago, it still so relevant to what we are all trying to do online today.

Over the time, I have seen marketers burst on the scene with huge successes…

…product launches, appearances at the tops of leaderboards etc

And initially, I would be really envious. 

Here I was doing all this ‘foundation’ building and these guys were getting the success.

But here’s the thing, I have been around long enough now to see marketer after marketer suddenly rise up out of nowhere…

and then just as quickly disappear without a trace.

They were swept away by the ‘bad weather’ of Google updates, FB rule changes, or loopholes being closed, etc, etc.

They didn’t have the solid foundations in place to ride the bad times.

It is so easy to grab the latest shiny strategy or software because…well, building solid foundations is just boring and/or hard work.

Maybe, maybe not.

But I can tell you, get those foundations in place, put in the effort up front and you can be around for a LONG time.

If you want a comprehensive step by step plan that WILL ensure your business has foundations built on rock, you need to check out Barry Rodger’s 21 Day Online Business Startup.

Get more details here:https://warriorplus.com/o2/a/rc0sg/0/gr0210The lessons are drip fed over 21 days to give you the complete picture.

ALL the steps you need to have the foundations of a business that will be around for a long time…

no matter what the IM Gods throw at you. 

From the basics to the really in-depth stuff, it is all here.

It is going to be on sale for $97, which I think is great value, when you consider a similar course I signed up to back at the beginning of my online journey cost me just under $500

(I was happy to pay that amount.  That course taught me things I still use in my business today)

However, for the next couple of days, you can get Barry’s course for less than $10!

(The price will increase after this time though – so make sure you get in now and grab a REAL bargain)
