Listen To This Advice And Kill Your Dreams Stone Dead!

‘You can never be too careful’

How many times have you heard that?

How many times have you used that expression?

But have you ever analysed what this actually implies?

Have you thought about the potential impact it could have on people?

On the surface, it appears to be such a sound piece of advice.

After all, we don’t want to be jumping into something with our eyes closed.

I personally think this little bit of clichéd advice could have prevented hundreds of thousands of people reaching their dreams.

You can NEVER be TOO careful.

It is an anti-action statement.

Roughly translated, it means ‘Don’t do anything until you are 110% sure of all the potential problems and have put in a plan of action to prevent these problems.’

But it is this not doing ANYTHING until ALL your ducks are in a row that causes most people to not even try to obtain what they really want in life.



Anyone who has ever achieved anything (major or minor) will know that challenges are inevitable along the way.

BUT when your mind is set on achieving something, you just come up with solutions.

I remember before I had children and other new parents told me about the trials and tribulations of looking after a baby, I used to ask them how they coped.

The answer was more or less always the same; ’You just do’

You just do, because you have to.

I always thought this answer was a little unsatisfactory.

Fast forward a few years to the time when we had our first child and only then did I realise what they meant.

You could NEVER plan for all eventualities of having a new baby; you just tackle the challenges as they come round.

Because it’s worth it!

So think about this for a moment.

Have you seen the benefits of running your own business; of creating an online income…

but are still in the planning stage.

Being careful?

Are you trying to work out every eventuality and a solution for each of these potential challenges?

I’m sorry to tell you even the best thought-out plan is not going to produce fruit if it just resides in your mind (or in your notebook).

You should never forget it is the plan + ACTION that will achieve results.

Yes go in with your eyes open, but don’t try to second guess everything that will happen.

This will just see you going down an Alice in Wonderland type rabbit hole, possibly to never to see the light of day again.

I guarantee it is almost inevitable that the majority of the potential problems you foresaw will never happen.

And one or two that you didn’t, will crop up.

So get your goal, make your plan, and just jump in!

You will be amazed what the momentum created by action can achieve.

And when you come head to head with an issue, you will find that 99 times out of 100 there is away over, under, round or through the issue, because your eyes are now firmly fixed on the prize.

So from now on in life (offline or online) keep telling yourself: